Tax Exempt 501(c)(3)
As a tax-exempt 501(c)(3) non-profit, you can make a 100% tax-deductible donation to give the world’s most dedicated educators the insights they need to inspire their 21st-century learners.
Our research helps educators integrate technology into their learning process. A fundamental task for educators – but leading the process of changing institutional culture can be a challenge.
Modern learners reject traditional one-size-fits-all learning approaches. They are bottom-line oriented and want to know how-much they are improving. Web 2.0 learners are unusually skilled - sophisticated technically, creatively, and socially- in their ability to collaborate via technology. This is where our research adds the most value. Make your donation to help us inspire 21st-century learners.
Our research helps educators integrate technology into their learning process. A fundamental task for educators – but leading the process of changing institutional culture can be a challenge.
- Do you believe we should inspire students to connect, collaborate – and create a better future?
- Do you agree that Web 2.0 technology influences learning?
Modern learners reject traditional one-size-fits-all learning approaches. They are bottom-line oriented and want to know how-much they are improving. Web 2.0 learners are unusually skilled - sophisticated technically, creatively, and socially- in their ability to collaborate via technology. This is where our research adds the most value. Make your donation to help us inspire 21st-century learners.